

Friday, November 03, 2006

After a lengthy pause, a ship is taken by pirates off Somali coast

They're back! Reported here:
[A] United Arab Emirates-registered vessel has been seized off coastline of the Somali capital Mogadishu, the MV Fishana vessel is reported charted by Somali businessman.

The Somali businessman charted-vessel was carrying charcoal from El maan port near Mogadishu, Somali capital.
At least 12 Indian crewmen were on board while the captain is reported to be an Ethiopian national.

According to Mr. Olow the hijackers have taken the ship to 45 miles away from Mogadishu coastlines.

"We don’t know who the hijackers were, but we have been told that a group of Somali armed men seized the ship, he told to Radio Shabelle.

UPDATE: Updated info here.

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