

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tamil Tiger terrorist suicide boats strike again, sinking two Sri Lankan Navy ships

The Tamil Tiger terrorist suicide boats have struck again as reported here:
A Sri Lankan navy ship was sunk in a suicide boat attack by Tamil Tigers today, and Air Force planes attacked Tamil military targets in a breakdown of the country's cease fire.

The Tigers, who are fighting for a separate homeland in the South Asian island nation, destroyed a gunboat escorting a ship carrying several hundred off-duty soldiers, said Keheliya Rambukwella, a defense ministry spokesman in Colombo. He said he didn't have casualty details. Two navy ships were destroyed, killing 15 sailors and 30 Tigers, Agence France-Presse reported.
The ship carrying the off-duty soldiers returned safely to port, Rambukwella said.
See earlier post of Tamil Tiger maritime operations here.

UPDATE: (5/12/06) Truce monitors trying to sort out the mess crreated by the Tiger sea attack here. Tamil Tiger background here.

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