

Monday, March 20, 2006

Would be ship bomber goes on trial in Turkey

Noted here:
The trial of a Syrian man suspected of being the main link between suicide bombings in Istanbul, Turkey and al-Qaida opened in Istanbul on Monday.
According to Turkish media reports, Syrian-born Louai al-Saqa told police that fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar gave him US$50,000 to carry out attacks in his name against Israeli targets.

Turkish prosecutors say that Osama bin Laden personally ordered al-Saqa to carry out terrorist attacks.

Al-Saqa is accused of planning to use an inflatable boat packed with explosives to hit an Israeli cruise ship in the popular Turkish resort town of Antalya, which is frequented by Israeli tourists.

After his arrest last August, al-Saqa told reporters that he was plotting to attack Israeli cruise ships off Turkey’s Mediterranean coast.
Arrest posted about here and here.

UPDATE: Al-Saqa removed from court for "contempt" as reported here.

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