

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Free Speech Lives

California Yankee posts about an AP article in which a Democrat politician demanded that a photograph of President Bush be removed from a stand at a farmer's market in Pennsylvania. Apparently the politician missed class on the day that the First Amendment was discussed.

I should note the in the AP article itself, the baker, David Stoltzfus, who operates the stand has had plenty of support from other politicians and his neighbors:
On Friday, U.S. Rep. Joseph Pitts, R-Pa., stopped by to offer support -- and buy six chocolate-iced eclairs for his staff.

Other standholders have shown their support by putting up photos of the president.

"It's fun. People are coming up to me and supporting me. I've been getting letters and phone calls," Stoltzfus said Friday. "Even the Democrats come to me and tell me, 'Don't take that picture down."

To the city councilman who proposed the ban - I suggest that you actually read the First Amendment. To the people who have supported Mr. Stoltzfus - well done. That's how we keep our rights alive.

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